Following stored procedure can be used find out whether particular Windows user or group account is mapped to a current SQL instance . If given Windows user or group account exists in the SQL server it will returns the account name, type, privilege, mapped login name and permission path
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USE [master]; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_Check_Windows_User] (@NTLogin NVARCHAR(128)) AS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @UserList TABLE ( [AccountName] NVARCHAR(128), [Type] NVARCHAR(64), [Privilege] NVARCHAR(64), [Mapped Login Name] NVARCHAR(128), [Permission Path] NVARCHAR(MAX) ) INSERT INTO @UserList EXEC xp_logininfo IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @UserList WHERE [AccountName] = @NTLogin) ( SELECT * FROM @UserList WHERE [AccountName] = @NTLogin ) ELSE (SELECT 'User/Group dose not exists in the '+UPPER(@@SERVERNAME)+' Server instance. ' as Details) |
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